Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

PT Agincourt Resources; Contract Administrator

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PT Agincourt Resources; Contract Administrator

Posting date: October 29, 2016 Expiry date: November 12, 2016

Martabe Gold Mine is managed and operated by PT Agincourt Resources. The mine covers an area of 30 km2 that falls under the sixth generation of Contract of Work (Cow) covering a total area of 1,639 km2.
The resource base on 31 December 2015 includes 7.4 Mos. of gold and 69 Mos. of silver. Production commenced at Martabe on 24 July 2012. The operating capacity of Martabe Gold Mine is 4.5 tap ore to produce in excess of 250,000 oz. of gold and 2-3 Mos. of silver per annum.
PT Agincourt Resources engages approximately 2,300 employees and contractors, more than 98% Indonesians, of which 71% were recruited from South Tapanuli and other regions in North Sumatra.

To strengthen the existing management team and to ensure the achievement of the company objectives, the Martabe Gold Mine is looking for candidate to fill the role:
This position will be based in Martabe Site within SCM Department, working on schedule 4 Weeks On ; 2 weeks Off and reports directly to the Contract Superintendent.
The role of the Contract Administrator is responsible prepare and administer the activities of the PTAR Martabe contracting in order to ensure commercial aspects of all contracting activities throughout all PTAR user departments in accordance with company standarts, policies and procedures, Indonesian Law and Martabe Mine Contract of Work while at the same time ensuring a high level of support service to user departments for contract bidding, negotiating, preparation, administration and management and applying an ethical, efficient, risk managed, consistent and cost effective approach at every stage of the process.
Candidates for this role would be expected to have the following qualifications and experiences:
1. Degree in business, law, engineering or equivalent.
2. Have certificate professional in Contracts or Procurement and Supply Chain functions.
3. Minimum 5 years experience in contract management including construction, mining and operations, preferable in Mining industry.
4. Sound understanding of relevant Indonesia business, legal system, company law, immigration, manpower, tax, importation, mines and energy regulations.
5. Contract writing, including technical capabilities, Scope of Work (SOW) and commercial terms & condition.
6. Well developed computer skills to be able to implement and maintain effective processes and procedures.
7. Strong analytical capabilities and negotiating skills, sound business sense, advanced English language documentations skills with high attention to detail.
8. Good communication skill both Indonesia and English.
9. Good interpersonal skill.
If you believe, you possess the skills, qualification and experience to fill in the position, please send in your CV complete with your latest photograph by quoting the position title & code on the email subject, no later than November 10, 2016 to:
Human Resources Department – PT Agincourt Resources
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Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

PT Mifa Bersaudara; 3 positions

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PT Mifa Bersaudara; 3 positions

Posting date: October 28, 2016 Expiry date: November 11, 2016

PT Mifa Bersaudara (MIFA) that operates in the district of Meulaboh, Aceh Barat. The total concession area is 4,629 hectares with the total coal resources estimated to be 455 million tons.
To continually create meaningful & challenging job opportunities to many Indonesians which is aligned with our aggressive business growth, PT Mifa Bersaudara invites qualified and experienced professional people to join with us for the position of:
Port Safety Supervisor (Meulaboh)
• Create, propose and evaluate weekly and daily plan
• Create and develop implementation system activities of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and SMKP Minerba
• Prepare and submit HIRADC, Standards, Procedures, IK, Form, JSA HSE section and evaluate these documents
• Monitoring and reviewing potential safety hazard and ensure implementation of safety programs on contractors or internal accordance with the procedures
• Supervise and ensure implementation of safety programs on the location contractors or internal accordance with the procedures
• Create and inform Safety system to all employees and contractors in accordance with policies and regulations
• Accident investigation and monitoring the corrective action plan report of accident investigation
• Prepare and submit reports mining K3 periodically in accordance with the legislation in force
• Implement OTP HSE
• Male, Max 35 years old
• Bachelor degree in Public Health / K3 with minimum min experiences 3 – 5 years in the same positions and industries
• Have a certificate of POP / POM, Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS), Marine Safety Management (MSM) and AK3 Umum
• Have knowledge on Master Marine Polution (MARPOL)
• Placement on site in Meulaboh with roster system (6 weeks work, 2 weeks field break for Non Local Hiring)
ICT Operation & Infrastructure Coordinator (Meulaboh)
• Handling problems IT device and radio communications in accordance with procedures
• Maintenance IT device and radio communications devices in accordance with procedures.
• Monitor and handling problems of internal and external networks by the company in accordance with procedures
• Prepare monthly reports related to the use of budgets and activity reports related to the work processes ICT (Head Office) in accordance with procedures
• Male, Max 30 years old
• Bachelor degree in Information Technology with minimum min experiences 3 years in the same positions and industries
• Understanding Designing Windows Server 2008 and AD, CCNA Fast Track, DNIIT, Software Engineering - Microsoft Technology
• Placement on site in Meulaboh with roster system (6 weeks work, 2 weeks field break for Non Local Hiring)
HR Officer (Meulaboh)
• HR administration processes and services (employee leave schedule, employee attendance, medical check up administration)
• Prepare and maintain HR Document
• Recuritment level officer below
• Collect, create, and propose Man Power and Man Hours reports
• Male / Female, Max 30 years old
• Bachelor degree in Management/ Law/ Psychology with minimum min experiences 1 years in the same positions and industries
• Understanding Microsoft Office
• Placement on site in Meulaboh and Local Hiring
Please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph to: Please note that only short-listed qualified candidates will be contacted for further process.
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Kamis, 27 Oktober 2016

Telinga Anda Begitu Berarti

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Kebisingan adalah suatu bahaya yang ditimbulkan dari suatu alat bisa berupa motor pengerak 
yang melebihi Nilai Ambang Batas yang ditentukan. Menurut aturan perundang - undangan tentang kebisingan itu di atur sesuai Pasal 5 (1) NAB kebisingan ditetapkan sebesar 85 decibel A (dBA). (2) Kebisingan yang melampaui NAB, waktu pemaparan ditetapkan sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran I nomor 2 Peraturan Menteri ini. (PERATURAN MENTERI TENAGA KERJA DAN TRANSMIGRASI NOMOR PER.13/MEN/X/2011 TAHUN 2011 TENTANG NILAI AMBANG BATAS FAKTOR FISIKA DAN FAKTOR KIMIA DI TEMPAT KERJA )

Maka berapa sih ambang batas intensitas suara yang aman ditelinga kita?? berikut ukuran kekuatan suara dan lama waktu yang dapat ditolerir telinga kita : (sumber: jawa pos dan dailyclinic)
30 dB : suara lemah berbisik
85 dB : batas aman, sebaiknya gunakan pelindung telinga
90 dB: dapat merusak pendengaran dalam waktu 8 jam
              ex: suara pemotong rumput, suara truck di jalanan macet
100 dB :merusak pendengaran dalam waktu 2 jam
              ex: suara gergaji mesin, suara melalui telephone
105 dB: merusak pendengaran dalam waktu 1 jam
              ex: suara helikopter, suara mesin pemecah batu
115 dB: merusak pendengaran dalam waktu 15 menit
               ex: tangisan bayi, riuh di stadion sepakbola
120 dB: merusak pendengaran dalam waktu 7,5 menit
               ex: suara konser musikk rock
125 dB: ambang rasa nyeri ditelinga bagian dalam
               ex: suara mercon dan sirene
140 dB: membahayakan pendengaran dalam waktu singkat
              ex: suara tembakan dan mesin jet

Jaga Telinga Anda...biar tidak dikatakan SOMBONG sama teman....heheheh
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Keselamatan Ada di Tangan Siapa

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Seorang SHE Officer mewawancarai dua orang Operator Dump Truck & Cheker.

"Bila Anda naik kendaraan umum yang melaju dengan kencang, apa tindakan Anda?" tanyanya kepada pemuda Opr Dump Truck.

"Berdoa kepada Tuhan, sebab keselamatan ada di tangan Tuhan."

"Dan Anda sendiri bagaimana?" tanya pendeta kepada Operator Cheker.

"Mengingatkan supir yang ugal-ugalan itu, sebab keselamatan kita saat itu berada di tangan supir."
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Tilang Resmi vs Tilang Bodong.....yuk KENALAN

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Ayo neh kita belajar hukum....ya sekedar jadi pengetahuan umum aja tapi beguna lho sedang melintas di jalan raya ehhh tiba-tiba lihat yang namanya berseragam ato Pak Polisi banyak lalu menghentikan kendaraan wah disitu kadang saya merasa kayaknya jatuh cinta neh...hehehe tapi bukan itulah maksudnya,  berdebar debar kerena SIM & STNK tidak terbawah atau dongkol campur jengkel dapat razia yang BODONG....Wah gimana neh...

Nih aku kasi tips membedakan Razia Resmi dan Bodong

Resmi :
    *  Pasal 13 .... Harus ada Surat Tugas Sebelum menunjukkan SIM & STNK
    *  Pasal 15..... Harus ada Papan Tilang Minimal 100 Meter sebelum Lokasi

Nah klo Bodong gimana...yup lanjtu baca

   *  Tidak Bisa Menunjukkan Surat Tugas
   *   Tidak Memiliki Papan Tilang saat Melakukan Razia
   *   Selalu mengadakan Razia di TIKUNGAN.....Pak Tikungan itu tempat BERBAHAYA

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Ayo...Kenali Dehidrasi

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Dehidrasi atau kekurangan cairan dapat membahayakan tubuh karena bisa memicu beragam penyakit. Tapi tidak banyak orang yang paham mengenai ciri-ciri dari dehidrasi. Yuk kenali ciri-ciri dehidrasi agar tubuh terhidrasi dengan baik.

"Manusia itu hanya bisa bertahan hidup selama 3 sampai 5 hari tanpa air. Jadi bayangkan seberapa pentingnya air bagi tubuh, kekurangan cairan juga bisa mengganggu aktivitas sampai bisa menimbulkan penyakit-penyakit kronis. Jadi penting untuk terus terhidrasi dan paham ciri-cirinya. Agar ketika sudah timbul, bisa langsung diatasi," tutur dokter naturophatic, dr Riani Susanto ND.

Nah, untuk mengetahui apa saja ciri-ciri dehiderasi pada tubuh Anda berikut adalah ciri-cirinya, seperti yang disampaikan Riani
1. Haus
Rasa haus merupakan sinyal pertama tubuh kita sudah mengalami dehidrasi. Oleh karena itu minumlah air secara rutin sepanjang hari guna menghindari rasa haus.

2. Kelelahan
JIka Anda merasa mudah lelah padahal sudah cukup tidur, bisa jadi itu merupakan tanda tubuh kekurangan cairan.

3. Kulit Kering
Kurangnya cairan dalam tubuh bisa membuat kulit kering, hal ini merupakan tanda yang paling dapat terlihat pada orang yang setiap harinya tidak cukup terhiderasi.

4. Mulut Kering
Tidak hanya pada kulit, jika kekurangan cairan, mulut juga dapat menjadi kering. Hal ini tidak baik untuk gigi dan bisa menyebabkan sariawan.

5. Sakit Kepala, Migrain
Saat tubuh kekurangan cairan, maka organ dalam tubuh akan menjadi berkerut atau kisut, demikian juga dengan otak yang bisa menciut. Hal ini menyebabkan sakit kepala ringan maupun migrain. Oleh karena itu, jika menemukan gejala ini, sebaiknya Anda segera minum air mineral.

6. Jarang Buang Air
Salah satu ciri-ciri dehidrasi adalah jarangnya Anda buang air. Hal ini tentu saja karen cairan dalam tubuh yang berkurang. Sehingga metabolisme tidak bisa bekerja dengan baik, dan racunpun tidak dapat keluar dari dalam tubuh.

7. Urine Berwarna Kuning Gelap
Jika air seni atau urine Anda berwarna kuning gelap atau pekat dan bukannya kuning bening, itu bisa menandakan bahwa Anda kurang mengkonsumsi air dan tubuh Anda butuh lebih banyak air

Sehat Itu Murah jika kita mau menjaga pola hidup...........
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PT. Meares Soputan Mining; 4 positions

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PT. Meares Soputan Mining; 4 positions

Posting date: October 17, 2016 Expiry date: October 31, 2016

PT. Meares Soputan Mining is a Mining Industry with main office at Jakarta, representative at Manado, and Project Site located at Toka Tindung – North Sulawesi, to run our seamless operation, we need qualified candidate to support our operation as :
(Location: Toka Tindung Site)
Duties : responsible to define, develop and supervise self-help programmes for the community at that live surround company operation. Plan and oversee the development and implementation of the community development activities and collaboration with community groups, institutions, NGOs and local government officers
Requirements :
• Tertiary qualification with majoring in Agronomy Science, Education or Social Science with 10 years of experience or a Master Degree in Economic, Social Science • 5 years of experience
• Experienced as facilitator in a Community development Program especially in local business development
• Mastering the Community based development approach and Positive deviance approach
• Has a working background in community approach and NGOs..
• Proactive in handling problem regarding to empowerment program.
• Good interpersonal skills and good planning skills
• Has the ability to influence to deal with all level of people in the community
• Has the ability to make a long strategic plan and its supporting programs
• Has the knowledge on CSR to incorporate the programs with company mission and vision.
• Good interpersonal skill to deal with all level in the community, Government and external parties.
• Deep knowledge in Community Development/Empowerment.

(Location: Toka Tindung Site)
Duties :
Responsible to Analyse, develop, direct and manage the activities for economic growths , enhancing the community health and education levels to promote higher community quality of life in the communities around Toka Tindung Gold Project Area.

Requirements :
• Graduated from University and expereinced in Community Development Program, in particular the Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship sector.
• Experienced in establishing a training center and training module related to agrobusiness and entrepreneurship for at least 10 years.
• Has a working background in community approach and NGOs.
• Proactive in handling problem regarding to empowerment program.
• Good interpersonal skills and good planning skills
• Has the ability to influence to deal with all level of people in the community
• Has the ability to make a long strategic plan and its supporting programs
• Has the knowledge on CSR to incorporate the programs with company mission and vision.
• Has current Indonesian driving license (SIM A)


(Location: Toka Tindung Site) Duties:
Be responsible for projects drawing in the area to be determined by Senior Project Engineer. This is a project section support role, as opposed to a project line management role in which the incumbent will be responsible for the overall management of approved projects. Creates and modifies drawings using AutoCAD from sketches, layouts or notes and all the drawings must follow the company standard/specification and/or general standard used in construction.
• Fresh Graduate from Architecture degree/equivalent or less than 2 years drafting engineering experience in an industrial environment, preferably mining, but construction and other heavy industries including oil and gas, cement or manufacturing would be considered.
• Previous work experience in an engineering design architectural and civil would be well-regarded;v• Able to operate AutoCAD 2D & 3D;
• Has good communication in written English and oral skills essential is preferred.
• Has Driver license (SIM A) is an advantage.
• Honest and able to works under pressure;
• Able to generates or facilitates the generation of new ideas, methods, products, or solutions.
• Able to work in partnership with others to accomplish goals.
• Able to demonstrate the awareness of safety, environmental and community requirements.
(Location: Toka Tindung Site)
Duties :
- Translators predominantly work with business, technical, legal and scientific written materials including letters, reports, articles, books etc.
- Translate work from English to Bahasa vice versa any written material belongs to Company in terms of business letter, document, report, training material, articles, books, journal, SOP in multi areas such as technical, politics, social, culture, economic, education, community, financial, Safety and Health, Human Resource, Financial on target basis with most accurate translation and zero misinterpretation on the target language translated.
- Interprete from English to Bahasa vice versa either for expat or national in the occation of as mention below but not limited to General Meeting, CC Meeting, CLA Meeting, Consultancy Meeting, Company Corporate Event.
- Assist other administrative work if neccessary.
Requirements :
• Bachelor Degree in any field.
• Having legal and valid Sworn & Authrized Translator Certivicate, will be prioritized.
• Preferable with excellent verbal and written communication or public speaking on related field such as Technical & Business writer, journalism, legal profession, Master of Ceremony, or Anchor.
• Excellent command of written & spoken English and ability to prepare reports and statistics.
• Experienced in translating (proof by a working portfolio) is preferred.
• Familiar with Microsoft Office Software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Outlook).
• Knowledge in utilizing internet for a job related function.
• Expertise in INX InTution is preferable.
• TOEFL >525 or equivalent proficiency test is preferred

Applicants who are qualified and residing in 13 Surrounded Village, North Sulawesi will be our priority. Please submit your application letter, CV and recent photograph not later than 25 October 2016. Email to:, (Put the position title on your subject email) Maximum file attachment by email : 250kb
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